Crystal Care Guide

Crystal Care -

Crystal Care Guide

With your first purchase you will receive a Crystal Care Booklet that includes all of the following information. If this is not your first order and you wish to receive an additional Crystal Care Booklet, please add your request to the notes section in your cart. I'm happy to accommodate your request.


Your Crystal Companions have been making their way to you for longer than you can imagine. 

They are here to work with you & support you through your Earthly journey!

Here are some ways you can connect with & honor you crystals.


Bonding with your Crystals


Before your Crystals make their way to you, they have been bathed in a combination of moon water (if appropriate), Tibetan singing bowl vibrations & Reiki. They cannot wait to connect with you!

Connecting with your crystal can be as simple as meeting a new friend.

Simply hold the crystal in your hand, take a few deep breaths & pay attention to any feelings, words, thoughts or sensations that flow through your mind. Feel free to communicate with your crystal, express gratitude or anything you wish to share at this point. This is also a good time to program your crystal if you wish to do so.

I recommend doing this with each of your crystals separately so you can get used to each crystal & their individual energies.

Keep your crystals somewhere convenient, that you see or touch frequently. Any time you feel the urge to touch a crystal, you should, that's usually your crystal & your intuition working together.

Be aware of subtle changes in yourself as your connection with your crystals deepens. You may notice that you react differently to situations. You may become sensitive or emotional at times. You may experience vivid dreams. Long forgotten memories may float through your mind.

Some of these experiences may be challenging, remember to be gentle with yourself. Embrace all that you feel and try to let go of the feelings as soon as you are ready. This is all part of your process of healing and expanding.

If you need to take a break from your crystals, honor that. Simply take a few deep breaths to center yourself and disconnect from your crystals. You can simply tell them that you need some space.


Programming Your Crystals


If you have a specific intention you would like to focus on, create a supporting affirmation or intention.

Keep it simple, direct & use positive words. For example;

"I am ready to heal my heart from trauma" or "I choose to live my truth".  

You can be a lot more specific if you wish to be, just remember that oftentimes we wish to heal a symptom (pain) and that requires us to get to the root of the dis-ease. It is important to keep this in mind when creating your affirmation or intention. Trust the process.

You can program your crystal as you bond with it as stated above. Simply, clear your mind, take a few breaths & state your intention or affirmation. You may feel a response of sorts; comfort, vibration, a sensation, you may not. Most importantly, trust your intuition. If you feel like you need to clarify your intention, do so. If you feel like you need to connect with a different crystal, do that.


Cleansing Your Crystals


There are so many ways to cleanse your crystals!

  • Smoke: Smudge them using the smoke of your favorite sacred plant.(Palo Santo, Sage, Lavender, Sandalwood or any natural form of incense)
  • Moon: Exposing your crystals to Moonlight any night is wonderful. Full or New Moons are especially potent & leave your crystals radiating a bright, happy, feminine, nurturing energy.
  • Earth: Burying your crystals in Earth will cleanse & energize them.
  • Salt: Pour Sea Salt in a bowl & bury your crystal.
  • High Vibration Crystals: Selenite slabs, Kyanite blades, Amethyst or Citrine clusters & other high vibration crystals can cleanse other crystals.
  • Sun: Exposing your crystals to sunlight gives them a more masculine energy, great for energizing & programming.  NOTE: Amethyst, Rose Quartz, Citrine & several other crystals can lose their color with exposure to direct sunlight
  •  Sound: Use a bell, tingcha, singing bowl, tuning fork, musical instrument of your choice or even your voice to immerse your crystals in beautiful cleansing vibrations.

  • Water: Cleanse your crystal under flowing water, preferably from a natural source such as a river, lake or ocean. You can also make Moon Water by filling a glass container with water & placing the container under direct moonlight overnight. NOTE: Some crystals, such as Selenite are water soluble, check your crystal before allowing contact with water

  • Intention: You can set your intention to cleanse a crystal using your breath or Reiki. Take a moment, find your center & visualize your breath or energy cleansing your crystal. 

Cleanse your crystals frequently to keep them shining bright & happy.

Cleansing crystals is usually a quick and simple process, but if you've been going through an intense healing experience, or for any reason you feel like your crystal is heavier than usual or doesn't feel right, it would be beneficial to offer your crystal a longer/deeper cleanse such as burying them in Earth for anything from a couple of days to a couple of weeks.


Trust your Intuition &  Feel your Crystals