Palo Santo 3 Stick Bundle

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Palo Santo literally means Holy Wood.

Palo Santo is native to South America, where Inca healers have used it for thousands of years to clear energetic tension, lift heavy energy, transmute negative or disharmonious energy, and offer protection as it invites the Divine for healing.

A kind reminder- Palo Santo is a sacred plant and should be used with intention.

Our Palo Santo wood is harvested under government supervision by natives of the Peruvian Jungle. No trees are destroyed in the collection of our wood, only twigs and branches on the ground are collected. The Palo Santo sticks may be irregular in shape and size.

Here I offer bundles of 3 sticks weighing about 25 grams per bundle.

How Do I  Use Palo Santo?

When you light the end of your stick, it may take a few seconds for the flame to catch. Allow the flame to burn for a few seconds, until you see bright burning embers at the end, then gently blow out the flame. The embers will continue to burn for several minutes. If it starts to go out before you have completed your task, tap the Palo Santo Stick into a heat resistant bowl/tray to remove excess ash, then gently blow to reignite the embers.