Building & Launching A Journey of Healing

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Building & Launching A Journey of Healing

Well, this has been quite a journey- getting the website up & running.

Months of ups, downs, upside downs and complete dead stops where both motivation & inspiration completely vanished & I was forced to rest, recuperate, find my center & make my way back.

Even something as seemingly simple as getting a heart-centered website up and running can be a healing process. I experienced periods of expansion, where the vision was so clear I could literally see it word for word, and periods where I felt completely out of touch & lost, like someone had just pulled the plug on right out of me. It felt like my connection to Source had completely dissolved. 

I was reminded that in those times, where we feel disconnection it's important to seek wholeness within ourselves. For me, this meant pouring myself into my family. Focusing on being fully present with them. Feeling everything: All the Love, Joy & Gratitude that centers my existence. Focusing on Self Care- I started attending Sound Baths & Yoga Classes- This is something that was long overdue.

This all helped me reconnect with my WHY.

Knowing your why is unbelievably important in every Healing Journey. It gives you a center to return to when stuff gets intense. A place to find your wholeness when you feel empty. It could be one simple thing, a statement or it could be a list of different things. Whatever it is, it has to be worth it all to you.

Here's my Why:

  • My Daughter. I want her to grow up seeing that manifestation is real, that dreams can be realized and that we are each capable of making these things happen. I want her to see that Women are powerful. I want her to know that Love is Unconditional & that an integral part of Unconditional Love is supporting each others visions & dreams so we can all rise together.
  • Our Vision. When my husband & I found our soul connection our worlds became one & we created a shared vision where we would live a life true to our ideals & soul purposes.  Metanoia Toolbox has been part of that vision from the very beginning. Over the years our vision has shifted and grown in different ways & Metanoia Toolbox has been an integral all the way through.
  • My Soul Purpose. My entire life has been a journey of figuring out why I was put on the Earth at this time. For over half of my life I've known that my soul purpose involved helping people heal. I visited many different modalities of healing and during my own healing journey I connected deeply with Crystals, Sound & Vibration. Experiencing the magick for myself, sharing these experiences with others & bearing witness to the deep shifts in energy, personality & perspective within the collective is where I found my Soul Purpose: To help people on their healing journeys find the tools they need to grow into their highest self. Metanoia is the journey of becoming, the journey of growing. And this was the birth of Metanoia Toolbox: Tools To Manifest Your Highest Potential.

Mind you, this list is not in order of importance or significance. All aspects of my why are equally important. At different points in time, I ground myself in different aspects of my Why, but these three aspects are the core of it all. 

I am sharing this because I believe that we all grow from each other's experiences. Healing Journeys are rough and messy & I refuse give off this image of rainbows & butterflies just for others to feel alone in their journeys. I would like Metanoia Toolbox to be a safe space with complete transparency. I will share my struggles, just as I share my joys.

I love seeing other business, business owners, share their glamour, their beauty, their "glow up" moments, without a doubt these moments are to be recognized, supported & celebrated- after all, I know how deep of a struggle it is to get to those moments of glory. But there is such a thing as toxic positivity. The vast majority of what we see online are glory moments, beautiful people sharing amazing accomplishments with this perception of ease & simplicity. Depending on your set of experiences & where you are in your healing journey, this could make one feel small, insignificant or simply not enough. I know that I have felt all these things and much, more- or less depending on perspective. 

It's really difficult to share the vulnerable stuff. The less than glamourous stuff. The heavy stuff. The stuff that gives our egos a chance to allow fear, doubt and other less than positive emotions fester. But the vulnerable stuff is also where we need to know we are not alone, that we are not "less" for these moments. We get to remind each other to feel everything deeply, wholly and as soon as we're ready, acknowledge that this is not Truth. This is fear. Let go of the emotions and transmute.

My intention is to keep Metanoia Toolbox a raw, real & safe place for all.

Please feel free to share your story if you feel called to do so. I believe that we are all here to learn from each other's stories and inspire each other to grow. 

Much Love & Gratitude,


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